Amanda’s Show Calendar 6/28-7/4
It has been one crazy awesome weekend. Kristen and I went up to Ventura for Warped Tour. It made me feel both old and young again in one fell swoop. Hopefully I can get around to doing a post about Warped Tour but first thing’s first…
The Show Calendar for San Diego folks
There isn’t much going on this week since there is the upcoming 4th of July holiday but there is much to come in the following weeks!
Monday: Lady Dottie and the Diamonds @ U-31 @ 10 pm $3
Tuesday: Damien Juardo @ The Casbah @ 9pm $12
Wednesday: Gregory Page @ Lestats @ 9pm $10
Thursday: One EskimO @ Anthology @ 7:30 pm $14
AND: Longstay and The Union Line @ Soda Bar @ 930pm $3
AND: Folding Mr. Lincoln @ Lestats @ 9pm $8
Friday: Gayle Skidmore @ Lestats @ 9 pm
AND: The Modlins @ The Tin Can Alehouse @ 930 pm $5
Saturday: Renata Youngblood @ Lestats @ 9pm $10
Sunday: ???
Keep in Mind:
July 7th- Joan Jett and the Blackhearts @ Del Mar Fair
July 9th- Kings of Leon @ Cricket Wireless
July 16th- Thrice @ House of Blues San Diego
July 16th- Dirty Sweet @ The Casbah
July 17th- The Silent Comedy @ The Casbah
July 18th- Jamie Cullum @ Humphreys By the Bay
July 19th- The Deah Weather @ House of Blues San Diego
July 21st- Shawn Mullins @ Birch Aquarium @ Scripps
July 30th- Transfer @ The Casbah
August 6th- Enoxi @ Epicentre
August 7th- Silversun Pickups @ Soma
August 8th- Tokyo Police Club @ The Casbah
August 10th- Vans Warped Tour- San Diego
August 18th- Steve Poltz @ Birch Aquarium
August 21st- Wolfmother @ House of Blues San Diego
September 18th- Paramore @ Viejas Arena
September 22nd- Muse @ Viejas Arena
September 25th- The Black Keys @ Soma
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