With descriptors such as “hip hop”, “electronica”, and “indie rock” I wasn’t overly excited about checking out SD based Inspired Flight…not my usual vein of music. However, a friend of mine suggested I “like” this group on facebook and I finally got around to checking them out (I’m not one to overlook enthusiastic band suggestions). Turns out Inspired Flight is one of the most original, yet compelling groups I’ve heard in awhile!
I was drawn in by their free download of “Wonderwall.” It all spiraled from there. I listened to their songs online, downloaded their recently released CD, We All Want to Fly, looked into their show calendar (they are coming to The Music Box next Friday, Nov. 26th), and now, I share my new interest with you!
I’m finding it difficult to describe this band, so I’ll let the first paragraph of their bio do it for me:
“Rooted in hip-hop with branches of indie rock, electronica, downtempo, dub, and dance, Inspired Flight gives life to a hypnotizing and influential new musical experience that listeners are finding refreshing and authentic. iF’s use of turntablism and sampling along with live instrumentation and vocals, all centered around innovative songwriting, has given birth to an independently-released debut album featuring high-profile MC’s and sparking global attention, and a live show that has compelled audience members to scream, “Where have you been all my life!?””
Sounds good, no?
Let’s check it out!
~ Kristen
p.s. how cute is that iF robot?