Kristen’s 2013 Music Mix – Track 6 – Irontom

2013 was another excellent year for music. I put together a little mix of some of the songs and artists that meant something to me this year. Enjoy!

6. Irontom

Irontom is the band I saw more than any other in 2013. This is due in part to their playing the first Friday of every month at a bar not too far from where I live and in part due to the perhaps unhealthy compulsion I’ve developed to get the live Irontom experience. Singer Harry Hayes is fast becoming one of my favorite front men with his on-stage consumption by his own songs and no matter what mood I am in, Irontom will make me dance and life will be better.  When I go too long without an Irontom fix, I do silly things like write poetry using Irontom song names…


Your Mother, Tinkerbell,
was not very large
but she had something to say
about What Will Happen To All The Indie Stars

“Take charge, Boy Born
but don’t gloat, I’m Better
or the next thing you’ll say is
the Lady Got Me
and I let her”

So, My Brothers,
if you find yourself Goin Slow
think Mind My Halo
and go NITRO!

~ Kristen
